Crowdfounding Inês

Blog, Crowdfounding Inês

Small artwork / petites illustrations

(this page relates to our crowdfunding campaign rening right now for our music and book project Inês. Please have first a look at the general campaign!) / (cette page concerne la campagne de financement participatif de notre projet de livre/album Inês. Merci de consulter d’abord la page en français du financement participatif pour y comprendre quelque chose!)

(français plus bas) For a contribution of 90€ you get to choose any of the following art-work pieces. They’re all on watercolor paper (professional quality), and will need to be framed. They all include collage and a mixture of techniques and materials, sizes are different, check each for details. When contributing on indiegogo, please add the title of the piece you choose, or we’ll get back to you.

Pour une contribution de 90€ à notre projet, vous recevrez une illustration originale ayant servi à la réalisation du livre. Toutes les pièces sont uniques, sur papier aquarelle de qualité professionnelle, sans encadrement, et incluent beaucoup de collage parmis les techniques utilisées. Référez-vous à chaque pièce pour les dimensions. Lors de votre contribution sur indiegogo (en anglais), indiquez nous le titre que vous choisissez, sinon nous reviendrons vers vous.

  • 1. The boat – Le bâteau

Ar Maured o kuitaat Iberia / The Moors driven away from the Peninsula. Artwork for the concept album Inês (medieval love story between Pedro King of Portugal and Inês de Castro)

For song n°1 The triumph of King Alfonso. 30.5*23 cm approx 12*9 inches.

Pour le titre n°1 Le retour victorieux du Roi Alfonso. 30.5*9 cm.

  • 2. Water Spirit 1 / Sylphe 1 (already chosen / déjà choisie)

Water Spirit 1 full

For song n°5 Gwerz Inês, 32*24 cm approx 12.59*9.44 inches

Pour le titre n°5 Gwerz Inês, 32*24 cm.



  • 3. Water Spirit 2 / Sylphe 2

Water Spirit 2 full

For song n°5 Gwerz Inês, 32*24 cm approx 12.59*9.44 inches

Pour le titre n°5 Gwerz Inês, 32*24 cm.



  • 4. Water Spirit 3 / Sylphe 3

Water Spirit 3 face.JPG

For song n°5 Gwerz Inês, 25*18 cm approx 9.84*7.08 inches

Pour le titre n°5 Gwerz Inês, 25*18 cm.

  • 5. The swans / Les Cygnes

    Swans full

For song n°3 The Hunt, 32*24 cm approx 12.59*9.44 inches

Pour le titre n°3 La Chasse, 32*24 cm



  • 6. The Knight / Le Chevalier

    Knight full

For song n°4 Inês Trial 30.5*23 cm approx 12*9 inches.

Pour le titre n°4 Le Jugement d’Inês 30.5*9 cm.



to Indiegogo campaign now! 


For this reward we will also include / dans cette récompense il y a également :

+ Hand numbered copy of the Album/book freshly arrived from the factory / un exemplaire numéroté du libre/album à sa sortie

 1 cover artwork repro A5 size on 300g/m² light cardboard / une reproduction de la couverture en format A5 sur carton léger 300g/m2

+  4 Postcards set (artwork repros from Simone’s artwork used for album covers A6 size) / la série de 4 cartes postales des couvertures des albums d’Astrakan Project 

 Full album download ( It will come with the lyrics+translations in french and english on a nice PdF)  / le téléchargement de l’album (avec l’intégralité des traduction en anglais et français en format PdF)

Blog, Crowdfounding Inês

Doubting aka when your crowdfunding campaign doesn’t go as expected

It’s really been 12 very long days for both of us. 12 days since we launched the crowdfunding campaign, and they seem like months.

12 days with some hopes, some joy, but mostly doubts, and honestly, we weren’t really prepared. We weren’t prepared to how it would affect us, because it does affect us, and to be honest not in the best way. Surely everyday life had recently left us tired, and with limited time to work on music in the perfectionist way that we like. But we weren’t expecting that the campaign itself would be so emotionally draining, and we really start to find it even more complicated to focus on what we love: create music, create art, imagine sounds, or rather layers of sounds.

facsimile livre
testing the book size home – it’s quite nicely large to allow for nice extra artwork and still be readable. 

12 days means we’re halfway tomorrow from the deadline that we set for the 21st of June. It means we should have got at least half of our budget covered, or actually more, since it is hard to keep up with the energy as the days passe by, specially when we’re a small team of 2 people. It’s complicated to come up with new content daily, to re-share, to get in touch back with all the people that said would help promote the campaign and did not yet come back to us. And so far we haven’t reached 24%. Sometimes numbers speak for themselves. Let’s face it.

Some years ago, we would have tried to release it on personal finances, and then get the money back from sales. But we are at the moment not gigging enough to get some direct sales opportunities. Also the local labels we’ve been in touch with, although they did show some interest, did not lead to any production proposal. All that means crowdfunding really seemed like the only option we had, and with a few people on our mailing list, we thought we could easily reach enough folks willing to invest some pennies.


Now, yes, we do (try to) keep positive, we have been practicing how to sometimes fail and keep it up for quite a few years, and we are the living proof it is possible! (some useful tools here).

  • I made a list of all we will do if by the 21st of June we hadn’t reached the 3000€ goal. And well, that felt good. It includes some travelling with no other purpose than travelling. It includes also some time with our lovely son, who has for most of his young life heard about the album Inês, and from whom we’ve asked a lot of patience while working in the studio and postponing playtime.
  • We also are sure we’ll finish the musical part of the project, meaning having a digital edition. Maybe release it digitally, though it’s still costs for us, and we earn even less from digital editions. Or save it for later, who knows what’s around the corner?
  • We’ll probably send a new newsletter out and ask for what folks think isn’t appealing in our project. Or on the way we presented it. Maybe too complex, when you only have seconds to convince people, we know our music needs time to dive in.
  • If nothing moves by the end of next week, that is by the 17th, we’ll also consider canceling the campaign before its deadline so that we can plan for next summer instead of being waiting.

Anyway, I personally want to hear it from start to finish, I’d rather say, I need to hear it, and just that thought (together with the lovely and generous support of a few of you) gets me back on track.

But right now, everything is still possible – indiegogo page is here is you want to support us 🙂 

A galon / with heart,

* Simone.

Blog, Crowdfounding Inês

9 paintings for 9 songs

(this page relates to our crowdfunding campaign rening right now for our music and book project Inês. Please have first a look at the general campaign!) / (cette page concerne la campagne de financement participatif de notre projet de livre/album Inês. Merci de consulter d’abord la page en français du financement participatif pour y comprendre quelque chose!)

For this perk of 180€ you will be able to choose from 9 main compositions on canvas, size is 40*50 cm minimum (approx 15.74*19.68 inch), or bigger, corresponding to the 9 songs of the album, pictures will be posted as they are ready, though they still might be work in progress at the end of the campaign. (please keep in mind that all this is a creative process, what is planed can change, inspiration is someone you don’t control easily!). In any case, we’ll come back individually to each of you, and it will be possible to change your mind even after the campaign if you like one of the paintings best 🙂

  1. Alfonso return (opening song of the album, will feature the King, and a castle with a blue village, musicians)
  2. Inês and Pedro
    2 full 1
    Pedro & Inês – song n°2 An Emgav – on canvas 50*40

    2 full sag

  3. Inês dress (for the song “The hunt and the prophecy”, will feature Inês in monastery Santa Clara, before Pedro’s departure, with scenes from the prophecy on her dress) – this canvas is already reserved by someone!
  4. The Judgment (king and knights around the table with little couple couple of Pedro & Inês symbolically in the middle of the table)
  5. Gwerz Inês
    5 full 1.jpg
    Inês ha merch’ed Mondego – Inês and the water spirits – song n°5 Gwerz Inês – on canvas 50*40

    5 full sag

  6. Gwerz Pedro (most likely a tortured portrait of Pedro)
  7. The secret wedding (Pedro and Inês’ ghost above the knights meeting room and the scribe)
  8. The revenge (most likely some castles with a banquet scene. )
  9. The Coronation (will feature Inês on her throne, with scenes from the story around her, and Pedro’s hands coronating her)

Back to indiegogo campaign here

In any case, feel free to reach out for more info!


Back to indiegogo campaign here



Blog, Crowdfounding Inês

Canvasses from previous projects

(this page relates to our crowdfunding campaign rening right now for our music and book project Inês. Please have first a look at the general campaign!) / (cette page concerne la campagne de financement participatif de notre projet de livre/album Inês. Merci de consulter d’abord la page en français du financement participatif pour y comprendre quelque chose!)

For this reward you can choose from 3 portraits used for 3 albums/projects :

1 Hathor

She was the face of first Astrakan album in 2012, canvas on cardboard with plenty of collage elements and textures. 35*60 cm.



2 Thetis 

Painted for Within the Circle cover in Istanbul in 2013, 35*35 cm on canvas (about 13.77*13.77 inches). Mixed media with a lot of collage and acrylic paint. Thetis is greek Goddess/water spirit. It’s ready to hang and won’t need any extra framing (sides are also painted) – but you still can if you want 🙂

3 Innana

She was painted during sunny greek winter 2015 for a flemish song cover we did. Because of the song’s theme, babel tower is represented on the body of this mesopotamian Goddess. Size 30*40cm (about 11.81*15.74 inches), on canvas. She’s ready to hang and will need no extra framing as sides are painted.


This reward goes to a 350€ contribution on our Indiegogo campaign and will come with : 

+ album/book freshly arrived from the factory, hand numbered
+ your name in the book
+ full digital edition
+ 1 postcard on tour
+ A5 size Inês artwork repro on cardboard
+ 1 of 4 A6 postcards repros

Release expected time is beginning of August.

If you opt for this perk, scroll down on indiegogo until you find it, and pick up the title of the painting you wish for on the pop up window.